Spectrum Spa – مركز سبيكتروم الرياضي


March 27, 2021

Spectrum Spa – مركز سبيكتروم الرياضي

نقوم بتصوير الجامعات والمدارس والعقارات والفنادق والشركات تصوير 360 ينقلنا الى جولات افتراضية داخل هذه المباني

Relaxation and Enjoying Living is part of 360 Riyadh as well. This spa virtual reality was conducted on one of the most amazing well equipped sanctuary in Saudi Arabia Spectrum Spa was constructed in a way that brings peace and happiness for its visitors illustrated in the beautiful decorations and structure that the place was built on. Spectrum Spa is a wellness and beauty center offers wide variety of unique services and whats best to show these unique services and facilities by an amazing full virtual reality around the premises and present every part of it.

Spectrum marketing team used this virtual tour to attract potential clients and visitors by presenting this virtual reality in Malls and on their official website to help customers understand what quality of service and hospitality they provide.

Our plan is to make Virtual Reality Dubai a living reality for all kind of businesses by providing them with full virtual reality services offered by an expert team who value passion and user experience before anything else if you loved this virtual reality do not forget to check Lavania Spa which is another amazing wellness and beauty center located in Saudi.